Sutton Celebrations

Series Two

Thanks to generous support from Sutton Coldfield Town Council & the Royal Sutton Coldfield Community Town Hall Trust (with Here For Culture), Active Arts is proud to present series two of Sutton Celebrations.

We’ll be releasing one episode per month, here on the Sutton Celebrations Website. Watch our socials for more!

Episode Two

Coming August 2021

Series One

It’s the Spring Equinox. It is the time of the Arousing, the quickening of the energy of the earth under our feet.

The restoration of creative forces and creative flow.
Beginnings. With Spring comes new Beginnings.

After a disastrous year of pandemic, we know there
are many places of culture that can’t wait to begin things again.
We have such places in our beloved town of Sutton Coldfield which are looking forward to begin bringing their local communities joy.

Let’s explore the beginnings of 3 of these places, and invite the creativity of the spoken word and music as we do so.

Sutton Celebrations has been made possible thanks to funding by the Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council.

Sutton Celebrations is an Active Arts Production – if your organisation would like to be involved in our next series, please email